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**Tepid Sponging**

 **Tepid Sponging** **Purpose:** To reduce fever and provide comfort to individuals experiencing elevated body temperature. **Indications:**...

 **Tepid Sponging**


To reduce fever and provide comfort to individuals experiencing elevated body temperature.


- Fever or high body temperature

- Heat exhaustion

- As a non-pharmacological method to manage fever

**Equipment Needed:**

- Basin of lukewarm water (tepid, not cold or hot, typically around 29-32°C or 85-90°F)

- Soft washcloths or sponges

- Towels

- Thermometer

- Clean, dry clothing and bedding

- Gloves (if required)

**Procedure Steps:**

1. **Preparation:**

   - Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

   - Gather all necessary equipment.

   - Explain the procedure to the person to ensure their cooperation and comfort.

   - Check the person's temperature with a thermometer and record it.

2. **Positioning:**

   - Ensure the person is in a comfortable and relaxed position, either sitting or lying down.

   - Remove excess clothing to expose the skin, keeping the person covered with a sheet or light blanket for privacy.

3. **Sponging:**

   - Dip a washcloth or sponge into the basin of tepid water and wring out the excess water.

   - Begin sponging the person's body, starting with the face and neck, then moving to the arms, chest, back, and legs.

   - Use gentle, smooth strokes, and avoid scrubbing the skin.

   - Focus on areas where heat is often retained, such as the armpits, groin, and the back of the neck.

4. **Re-wetting and Wiping:**

   - Re-dip the cloth into the tepid water frequently to keep it cool.

   - Continue the sponging process for 15-20 minutes or until the person's temperature starts to decrease.

5. **Aftercare:**

   - Pat the person's skin dry with a clean towel.

   - Dress the person in clean, dry clothing and change the bedding if necessary.

   - Monitor the person's temperature regularly and record it.

   - Ensure the person remains hydrated by encouraging fluid intake.


- Tepid sponging can be repeated as necessary, typically every 2-4 hours, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

**Special Considerations:**

- Do not use cold water or ice, as this can cause shivering and raise the body temperature.

- Avoid sponging if the person is experiencing chills or if the procedure causes discomfort.

- Monitor for any adverse reactions, such as shivering, cyanosis, or increased distress, and stop the procedure if they occur.

- Tepid sponging should be used in conjunction with other fever management methods, such as antipyretic medications, if prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Tepid sponging is an effective and gentle method to help reduce fever and provide comfort to individuals experiencing elevated body temperatures.

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